Muhammad Galhoum

Welcome to my profile

About me


I'm seeking to be more professional in my career.

Passionate about clean code and getting things done.

Coding addict, trying hard to make clean, responsive web applications.

I enjoy building everything from small business sites to rich interactive web apps.

My passion is to use technology-based solutions to help solve real-world challenges.

As a person who wants to be better, I am always searching for new ways to learn and develop myself.

Tech Skills

Python Django DRF Flask RESTful APIs Postman / cURL tool SQL PostgreSQL / MySQL / SQLite Unit Testing Odoo XML CI/CD Docker Kubernetes AWS (S3, EKS, EC2) HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery Browser Dev Tools Git and GitHub Bash Script Linux RedHat Admin I


Python Developer at Top Business

from Jan 204 to present

Python Developer at OdooTec

from July to Nov 2023

Contributed to open-source projects in Girl Script Summer of Code (GSSoC'22) program

from March to May 2022


Full Stack Web Developer Udacity (Nanodegree)

from May 2023 to 13 Sept 2023

Full stack web development | Python, Intensive Program at Information Technology Institute (ITI)

from Aug 2021 to Dec 2021

Front End Web Developer Udacity (Nanodegree)

from Aug 2021 to Dec 2021

Bachelor of Computer Science, Faculty of Science - Menoufia University – Cumulative Grade: B+ / Very Good

from Sept 2016 to May 2020


Web Development

Responsive Design

Enhanced Performance

Continous Support